S imple hash function and hash table algorithm with an example of application for strings Hi there, If you need to use and try a good and simple hash function algorithm for any purpose especially for string query. I hope that your answer be in this article. Hash function data structure consists of: Chaining node Table of nodes Hash function Chaining node: Node is a container for the value (a word for example), and it links with another node forming a chain of nodes. To define a node in C for example: typedef struct node { char word[word-length]; struct node *next; } node; where struct node is the name of the node in chain, we shortcut the struct node into simply node in the last line above. Struct is the datatype of the node. char word is the variable that carries the value (a word for example) that we will search for up-next. word-length is an integer (46 for example), and it represents the maximum ...