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Latest odoo module for logo printing business

 Latest odoo module for logo printing business 


Product Attribute Model

I can delete not critical attributes

Can not delete critical attributes

I can restore deleted [important] attributes

Critical attributes have some critical values

I can not delete critical values for critical attributes

Product Template Model

Control extra cost & other template availability

Prevent repeating the same critical attribute record

For each additional attribute "not required" value is a must

Can not repeat the same name for critical attributes

Sale Order

Add logos to Sale Order

Logo is inherited in the Sale Order Line

Logo submissions are deleted by deleting their Sale Order Line

For each line, there must be one single logo submission for each position

Deleting Sale Order causes deletion of its logo submissions

Sale Quotations can be sent to customers by mail via SMTP protocols


Extra cost according to attributes

Refrshing the page does not eliminate choices

Enabling dialog form to choose some of the attributes

There is a default "not require" attribute

"not required" attribute is set if no any attribute is selected

Logo will be submitted for selected attributes only

There is a page for logo submissions within Sale Order model

Clicking on paperclip button enables you to choose your logo and submit

From "Order Submitted Logos" page you can get all submissions details

Clicking on the paperclip button after submission enables you to see your submissions

You can change your submitted logo from the same clipse button

Each logo submission is labeled by its related position

For not selected logo position you can not submit logos

User error arises causing the app to request logo for "not required" attribute

Logos are successfully submitted without duplications

Logo Print Library

Search options by all sale details

Filter option is available

Group-by option for many fields

Tracing the reason for the user error

The app did not submit the selected logo as the attribute is "not required"

The user didn't choose the position, but they clicked on "Add Second Location"

The app will not approve submissions for not selected position attributes

In addition to this, we provide:

  • hosting experience with full web server protection
  • Encrypted HTTPS service with acknowledged SSL certificate
  • Database protection from cyber attacks
  • mailing services optimization using SMTP/POP/IMAP protocols
  • odoo implementation
  • SEO optimization by enabling Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager

What are you waiting for? visit us on


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